Fish farming and aquaculture relies on clean, well oxygenated water to ensure that the fish are healthy and reach optimal size and weight.
Solutions we provide:
Water intake screens that prevent debris, fish, or fish eggs being pulled from the source water.
On-site O2 generators. Produce oxygen for each enclosure straight from the air, rather than having liquid oxygen delivered.
Screening and filtration systems to remove solids from recirculation systems.
Dewatering of removed solids.
Discharge water treatment to ensure that anything you release back into the local environment is clean and safe.
Ultrasonic algae treatment that is chemical free and safe for your fish.
The “Avatar” unit. This allows for on-site generate of an Aqueous Ozone solution, which is a great cleaner and disinfectant and safely reverts back to water after use.
Give us a call today at 604-878-8092. Let’s discuss your unique application needs.
Our journey began in 2007, and since then, we have received calls from consultants, engineers, process experts, and field workers seeking our assistance in removing contaminants and addressing their water-related issues.