Side Hills Bow Screens

Johnson Screens Side Hills Bow Screens

Johnson Screens is the top producer of Side Hill/Bow screens in the world and is a world leader in fine wire screening applications and supply DSM Bow screens to many of the OEM’s. If you are using Bow screen in your process, chances are that Johnson Screens has made them.

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Johnson Screens has been making screens since 1904 and is the world leader in fine wire applications. Side Hill, Bow Screen, DSM screen or a Sieve Bend, Johnson Screens makes has been making those screens since the beginning.

Johnson Screens has been a leader in this market since the Dutch State Mining (DSM) days and continue to raise the bar with our quality and workmanship.

Johnson Screens has the tightest tolerances in the business. If you have used a Side Hill in your mill, there is a good chance that Johnson Screens made that screen.

Johnson Screens has locations worldwide and extremely stringent slot accuracy (tolerance), Open Area, Wire Selection and Alloy Selection.

Johnson Screens’ screening equipment is manufactured with the latest technology and we are continuing to improve screening technology.

  • Fine Wire 
  • Small tolerance 
  • World leader 
  • Alloy Selection

Give us a call today at 604-878-8092. Let’s discuss your unique application needs.

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